On behalf of the organized committee, we are highly pleased to announce that the following special sessions have been approved to be presented at ECTI-CON 2025.
Session Title: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Technologies
Session Organizers: Prof. Dr. Prabhas Chongstitvatana, Chulalongkorn University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Pittipol Kantavat, Chulalongkorn University
Description: This session provides an overview of recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Computing, two fields shaping the future of technology. In the AI segment, we’ll discuss breakthroughs in machine learning, deep learning, and their expanding applications across industries. The Quantum Computing portion will introduce core concepts like qubits and entanglement, and explore how quantum systems could revolutionize data processing, cryptography, and problem-solving. Join us to understand these powerful technologies individually and consider their potential to complement each other in driving innovation.
Session Title: Technology for Sustainable Agriculture
Session Organizers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suwit Kiravittaya, Chulalongkorn University
Description: This session is for the presentation of technological advancement for sustainable agriculture. It includes original ideas with innovative solutions, and emerging trends across multiple disciplinaries. The session relates to the research investment for the agricultural science and its role in sustainable development.
Session Title: Immersive Experience and Collaboration: Metaverse and Cross Reality (XR) in Digital Transformation (DX)
Session Organizers: Prof. Dr. Mitsunori Makino, Chuo University, Japan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halim Budi Santoso, Duta Wacana Christian University, Indonesia
Description: Digital transformation has been crucial for company and industry development in recent decades, involving ecosystem actors or stakeholders to adopt emerging technologies to improve productivity and cost e6iciency (Dabrowska et al., 2022). We must pay attention to the role of emerging technology adopters and features that can alter current behavior and undergo iterative and continual refinement, better suiting a particular environment or business. One of the emerging technologies that can reshape how people do business is immersive technology, such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). User immersive experiences can be enhanced by utilizing digital multisensory stimuli that can be augmented separately (Santoso et al., 2022).
The business landscape and servicescape (Bitner, 1992), as the primary interaction points between customers and businesses or service providers, have undergone a profound transformation due to the adoption of immersive technology. The physical environment encompasses all tangible elements, including layout, design, ambiance, decoration, signage, colors, lighting, temperature, and sounds. On the other hand, the use of immersive technology for museum experience is related to customer engagement (Resta et al., 2021). Some elements can be considered in the virtual environment, such as avatars, non-player characters (NPC), interactivity, and usability factors (Baroroh et al., 2023; Noisri et al., 2024). In the long run, immersive technology can also influence community resilience during the crisis by providing distance learning, training, and experience. It is expected to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
As the boundaries of digital transformation expand, immersive technology has also reshaped the retail business. For instance, Zhang et al. (2024) have highlighted the role of Virtual Reality to reduce the negative effect of product knowledge on shopping behavior. Hence, VR can restructure customer shopping orientation. Through this ECTI-CON 2025 special session, entitled Immersive Experience and Collaboration: Metaverse and Cross Reality (XR) in Digital Transformation (DX), we would like to invite researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to explore the synergies between the technology domain and the effect of Metaverse on transforming customer experiences and transforming the current industrial practices. By integrating digital transformation strategies with immersive experiences, we aim to investigate the potential for new applications, business models, and societal impacts of immersive technologies across diverse fields.
Topics in this special session will address a range of themes, including the transformation of sectors like education, healthcare, and entertainment through immersive technologies and the infrastructure and design considerations vital for metaverse environments. We also welcome contributions on critical issues such as data privacy, digital ethics, and the environmental sustainability of virtual ecosystems. Contributors can submit their original research, case studies, or thought-provoking conceptual work and join us in shaping a dialogue that will help guide immersive technology’s ethical and technological evolution as a transformative tool for digital engagement and innovation.
Baroroh, D. K., Santoso, H. B., & Anggrahini, D. (2023). Metaverse tourism: Elements and consequences on tourism experience journey. Journal of Smart Tourism, 3(1), 23-34.
Bitner, M. J. (1992). Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. Journal of marketing, 56(2), 57-71.
Dąbrowska, J., Almpanopoulou, A., Brem, A., Chesbrough, H., Cucino, V., Di Minin, A., … & Ritala, P. (2022). Digital transformation, for better or worse: a critical multi-level research agenda. R&D Management, 52(5), 930-954.
Noisri, S., Wisessing, P., Srisupakwong, K., Santoso, H. B., & Wittisittikulkij, L. (2024, July). Designing Avatar System and Integrate to the Metaverse. In 2024 International Technical
Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications (ITC-CSCC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Resta, G., Dicuonzo, F., Karacan, E., & Pastore, D. (2021). The impact of virtual tours on museum exhibitions after the onset of covid-19 restrictions: visitor engagement and long-term perspectives. SCIRES-IT-SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology, 11(1), 151-166.
Santoso, H. B., Wang, J. C., & Windasari, N. A. (2022). Impact of multisensory extended reality on tourism experience journey. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 13(3), 356- 385.
Zhang, Y., Shao, W., Quach, S., Thaichon, P., & Li, Q. (2024). Examining the moderating e6ects of shopping orientation, product knowledge and involvement on the e6ectiveness of Virtual Reality (VR) retail environment. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 78, 10371.